A single streetcar line runs around the sleepy suburban square of an unnamed city. One day — out of nowhere — a group of hapless refugees pour from the streetcar and set up camp in the square. The residents grow hostile to the disruption and...
Our hero and narrator is the ageing caretaker of cottages at a summer resort. A mysterious visitor inspires him to share the story of his long life: we witness a happy childhood cut short by the war, his hiding from the Nazis buried in a heap...
"The originality of Tulli's writing is not lessened by representing a family tree that includes Michaux, Kafka, Calvino, and Saramago." — W.S. Merwin
In this inventive novel, Magdalena Tulli creates a world that is unreal, yet strangely...
Stanislaw Lem’s cult classic novel Solaris is finally getting a direct-to-English translation, reports the Guardian, restoring much of the author’s original words.
The novel, originally published in Polish in 1961, tells of humans’...
The Mighty Angel concerns the alcoholic misadventures of a writer named Jerzy. Eighteen times he's woken up in rehab. Eighteen times he's been released — a sober and, more or less, healthy man — after treatment at the hands of the stern...
A masterpiece of postwar Polish literature, Stone Upon Stone is Wiesław Myśliwski's grand epic in The rural tradition — a profound and irreverent stream of memory cutting through the rich and varied terrain of one man’s...
A feckless, comical narrator struggles against all odds to tell a story for which he is responsible, but which he neither controls nor understands. His characters multiply, repeat, and go astray; his employer pays no attention, asleep in a...
Dreams and Stones is a small masterpiece, one of the most extraordinary works of literature to come out of Central and Eastern Europe since the fall of communism. In sculpted, poetic prose reminiscent of Bruno Schulz, it tells the story of the...