The adventures of the magnificent four ninja girls and mutants together against a whole gang of monsters and the most dangerous space soldiers, and other...
The protagonist of the novel Treasure Island, Jim Hawkins, has already become an adult, and it seemed that he began to forget his adventures. But then he met Silver's old wife. She convinced him to drink a witch's potion. As a result, Jim Hawkins...
Gulliver, who has again become an eternal boy, performs feats and shows his wisdom and ingenious saying. Together with him, barefoot on sharp stones, the viscountess stomps, whose poor, tanned legs with honor stand the...
The famous revolutionary Rosa Luxembourg was arrested and taken into custody. In the women's prison, she has to endure meticulous searches, other procedures, humiliation and serious...
Gulivero, kiu denove fariĝis eterna knabo, elfaras heroaĵojn kaj montras sian saĝecon kaj inĝenian diron. Kune kun li, nudpiede sur akraj ŝtonoj, piedpremas la vicgrafino, kies malriĉaj, sunbrunigitaj kruroj kun honoro eltenas la...
Gulliver, der wieder ein ewiger Junge geworden ist, vollbringt Kunststücke und zeigt seine Weisheit und seinen genialen Spruch. Gemeinsam mit ihm stampft barfuß auf spitzen Steinen die Viscountess, deren arme, gebräunte Beine die Tortur mit Ehre...
Gulliver, redevenu un éternel garçon, accomplit des prouesses et fait preuve de sagesse et de proverbe ingénieux. Avec lui, pieds nus sur des pierres pointues, la vicomtesse piétine, dont les pauvres jambes bronzées supportent avec honneur...